A.O. Smith Hot Water – Error Code 55

A.O. Smith Error Code 55: The A.O. Smith Hot Water System has an Error Code 55, which means there is a problem with the gas solenoid valve. It is recommended to call a technician to fix this issue, as they have the expertise to handle it properly. However, if you want to try fixing it yourself, you can open up your water heater and inspect for any wire breakages or loose connections. It is important to be cautious and follow safety guidelines while doing this

A.O. Smith Hot Water System – Error Code 55

Is your A.O. Smith hot water system showing up with Error Code 55 on the screen? In this article, we’ll look at why it is happening, some potential next steps for fixing error code 55 and whether you should keep using your A.O. Smith hot water system.

What is a A.O. Smith Error Code 55?

The A.O. Smith Hot Water System has an Error Code 55, which means there is a problem with the gas solenoid valve. It is recommended to call a technician to fix this issue, as they have the expertise to handle it properly. However, if you want to try fixing it yourself, you can open up your water heater and inspect for any wire breakages or loose connections. It is important to be cautious and follow safety guidelines while doing this

Recommended solution/fix steps

If you see Error Code 55 on your A.O. Smith Hot Water System, it indicates a problem with the gas solenoid valve. It is recommended to contact a technician to address this issue. However, if you want to troubleshoot it yourself, you can open up your water heater and inspect for any wire breakages or loose connections. Ensure that the power is turned off before attempting any repairs. If you find any issues with the wiring, you may try to fix them carefully. However, it is still advisable to seek professional assistance to avoid any further damage or potential hazards

Related Fault Codes

Fault codes that are often associated with or mistaken for error code 55 are: Brand: A.O. Smith Hot Water System, Error Code: 55, Description: an issue with your gas solenoid valve. This error should really be addressed by a technician, but you can also open up your water heater to check for any wire breakages or loose connections.

Error Codes: 5S, 8B, 1l, 0O, 2Z, 6b, 3E, 9g, 4A, 7T

Can I still use my A.O. Smith hot water system?

After encountering Error Code 55 on the A.O. Smith Hot Water System, the machine can still be operated, but caution is advised. This error indicates a problem with the gas solenoid valve, which ideally should be addressed by a technician. However, if one is confident in their abilities, they can attempt to resolve the issue by inspecting the water heater for any wire breakages or loose connections. It is important to exercise care and follow safety protocols while doing so. If unsure or uncomfortable, it is recommended to seek professional assistance to ensure proper resolution of the error and safe operation of the machine